“The most effective learning happens on the deepest level when the whole brain is engaged.”


Videos, powerpoints and PDFs do NOT make your eCourse great.

Greatness happens when you weave storytelling, imagery, art and creativity to open the mind and heart of your students so they may receive and apply your lessons on a deep level.

The most efficient way to do this is to give your course a theme.

Your theme is the setting and narrative where everything in your eCourse happens. It is the set and setting of your learning environment.

By giving your course a theme, you bring it to life.

Now, let’s discover your course theme!


1. Your eCourse Topic

Just for fun: what is ONE eCourse topic that you’d be really excited to build a course for? Don’t worry, this is not written in stone (it’s just an exercise).

2. Transformation

What would the student’s transformation or end result be from completing this eCourse? (Example: learn the principles for developing highly engaging, unique and creative online courses)